Prior Notice

Please notify us at least two days before your stay if you have any allergies to foods, etc. We will make suggestions for substitute dishes. Because the content of your meal may differ from our normal menu, you may be charged a different price.

Meals Provided by Our Hotel

Meals provided at our hotel are all prepared in the same kitchen. As such, foods are not completely isolated from allergens, and residual allergens may remain.

Additionally, allergens may not completely be removed from tableware such as spoons and plates and may remain on them. Therefore, please understand that even if we are notified beforehand of a food allergy, because we cannot completely remove all allergens, all of our meals should be considered as “low-allergy” meals. We cannot guarantee that a guest will not have an allergic reaction to their meal.

Using Our Hotel

We ask our guests to make a final decision by themselves in consideration of the above.

Other Precautions

In the interests of guest safety, we may refuse service to guests who have serious symptoms. We are also unable to make accommodations with our buffet meals, and for such situations, we ask that you contact us beforehand and bring your own food if necessary.

*Please inform us of what kind of food you will bring beforehand.